Irritable Bowel Syndrome

If You Suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),
You Must Read This...

A Radically New Way to Beat IBS...Without Drugs and Their Side Effects!


My Story of Beating IBS...

I've suffered from IBS for about 5 years - from 1995 to 2000. I remember times when I had diarrhea so bad that it lasted for over two weeks without a break! And I didn't see my doctor. In fact, I hated going to my doctor. What a BIG mistake - by ignoring it, the problem just got worse. I'm sure at the time I thought I might be suffering from something more serious than IBS so rather than come to terms with that, I blocked it out of my mind.

Bloating and Pain After Eating Seemed Normal!

There were other times when I was bloated for days on end. As I remember, I got to the stage where it seemed normal; I expected bloating and pain after eating! It happened so often that I just put up with it like an ache or pain that won't go away.

And then the fatigue. Most of the time I felt energy-less; always having to force myself to do things. Sometimes were worse than others; especially in the mornings. Sometimes I dreaded getting up in the morning. 

There were quite a few other symptoms as well. Below is an extensive list of them.

I Had Over Ten Different Symptoms

  • Severe bloating - every time I ate food my stomach would double in size

  • Severe stomach cramps/abdominal pain - I had constant aches and pains after eating

  • Constipation - I noticed I suffered from this after eating processed foods

  • Lower back pain - I had constant aches in the lower part of my back

  • Diarrhea - this alternated with constipation

  • Groin pain - a constant ache around my groin area

  • Shooting pains in my legs - sometimes severe, and sometimes in the lower back

  • Chronic fatigue - I constantly felt like I had no energy

  • Panic attacks and heart palpitations - the most scariest of all symptoms

  • Light headiness after eating -  a strange feeling after eating?

  • Heartburn and acid stomach -  I've suffered from these for over 10 years


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